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Settings Service


The following functionality is opt-in and is not required for typical use! SimpleWebAuthn remains focused on simplifying working with the WebAuthn API, and the functionality covered in Packages > @simplewebauthn/server will serve the majority of developers' use cases.


The SettingsService singleton offers methods for customizing @simplewebauthn/server's functionality.


Some registration response attestation statements can be validated via root certificates prescribed by the company responsible for the format. It is possible to use SettingsService to register custom root certificates that will be used for validating certificate paths in subsequent registrations with matching attestation formats:

import { SettingsService } from '@simplewebauthn/server';

// A Uint8Array, or PEM-formatted certificate string
const appleCustomRootCert: Uint8Array | string = '...';
identifier: 'apple',
certificates: [appleCustomRootCert],

The following values for identifier are supported:

"android-key" | "android-safetynet" | "apple" | "fido-u2f" | "packed" | "tpm" | "mds"

If root certificates have not been registered for an attestation statement format (or you set an empty array to one [e.g. []]) then certificate path validation will not occur.


This method can come in handy when an attestation format requires use of a root certificate that SimpleWebAuthn has not yet been updated to use.

SimpleWebAuthn includes known root certificates for the following such attestation formats:

  • "android-key"
  • "android-safetynet"
  • "apple"
  • "mds" (for use with MetadataService to validate MDS BLOBs)


This method returns existing root certificates for a specific identifier:

import { SettingsService } from '@simplewebauthn/server';

const appleCerts: string[] = SettingsService.getRootCertificates({ identifier: 'apple' });

The returned certificates will be PEM-formatted strings.